69:白沙灣起源瑜伽創辦人Lydia 離開加拿大會計師回台推動冥想靜坐的生命教育Origin Yoga Retreat 全包式釋放壓力體驗與印度啟發的身心靈蛻變

Website: originyogawellness.com/homepage-ch.html YouTube: youtube.com/c/OriginYogaWellness TripAdvisor: tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g13806883-d12063482-Reviews-Origin_Yoga_Wellness-Shimen_New_Taipei.html Email: originyogawellness@gmail.com FB & IG: @originyogawellness 超能力夢想學校收聽者,只要在六月底前參加 Origin Yoga & Wellness 瑜伽旅程就能夠有九折優惠,報名請寫信到:originyogawellness@gmail.com 使用編號: ”SUPERPOWER2020”。 🚨最新消息 - 現在開放𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶女超人自願者 🙋🏻‍♀️⁣⁣ 超級無敵興奮發表「𝐆𝐔𝐓𝟗𝟎天療癒腸胃道|平衡荷爾蒙」華人女性必修課2.0。在我正式發佈前,我只開放10位華人女性 ➡️ 加入高效工作生活表現支持圈(妳會享有本次最大折扣)⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣☑️ GUT90天 會讓妳在90天中得到「所有妳需要的『減脂減重增肌、療癒身心靈、反轉發炎過敏腸道』終極高效習慣養成解方」。去除小腹婆、掰掰情緒壓力、健康自信由內而外閃耀!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 我的女客戶用這全方位療癒系統:成功減脂增肌,達成她們的夢想目標 ➡️ 是因為我把多年來的經驗完整成療癒身心靈終極解方。女超人客戶們也分享擁有更棒的消化道、感受身體輕盈自在、心理上更活力自信、工作生活更加高效、習慣養成不再是痛點,更是精通心態致勝/潛意識,體驗生命蛻變在呼吸之間。 我自己更是透過GUT90天成功反轉自體免疫疾病乾燥症與紅斑性狼瘡(蝴蝶病),30的我比20還美麗由內而外 🦋⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 🙋🏻‍♀️ 這一輪是採先報名,先入選的方式。一旦額滿就不再接受報名。因此,如果妳想要,請立刻私訊我!⚡️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ ✔️在課程中,妳會擁有我…指導妳「成為妳的最佳教練」:妳會讓是妳的身體類型、什麼食物是妳的閨蜜、如何用妳獨特荷爾蒙和身心能量減掉頑固脂肪、永遠脫離腸道和肌膚困擾、釋放壓力好睡、迎接活力滿滿能量的新生命!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 𝐆𝐔𝐓𝟗𝟎天必修課𝟐.𝟎包括一對一教練每週視訊、女超人社群支持、5步驟系統化教練課程(影片、作業、高效遊戲、驚喜)、妳這一生中需要的健康蛻變工具⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 如果妳準備好終止惡性循環、充滿意志力/動力、療癒腸道、減脂減壓好睡、重回自信與真正了解妳獨特的身體荷爾蒙運作如何影響心理,也準備好把這90天所學繼續運用在一生中,這計畫完全是妳夢寐以求的!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 👇🏻如果妳想要預留名額?在下方留言「2020」,我會私訊妳下一步!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⚡️妳會在GUT90天必修課2.0中學到的一些例子⚡️⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 1️. 心態致勝/潛意識 - 戒斷所有壞習慣、設定簡單環境:深入檢視妳目前運動營養睡眠、愛自己模式,放入新的習慣,去除阻礙因素⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣⁣ 2️. 願景與目標/預演未來 - 健康、高效工作、生活、家庭目標全得意:妳要知道方向,才能有效率地抵達⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 3️. 療癒金字塔 - 睡美容覺、釋放壓力、荷爾蒙平衡飲食、聰明功能性訓練:訂定妳的優先順序,享受美食,快樂運動/動起來。妳「為什麼」要做、什麼在妳身上是最佳永續策略、不再忙碌接收網路上各種錯誤訊息⁣⁣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 4️. 習慣養成、行為改變科學:每天進步𝟏%、慶祝每一個小勝利,妳學會傾聽身體聲音、連結身心 ; 妳學會最大化時間分配(也就是能量分配)妳會擁有夢寐以求的每日致勝習慣⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 5️. 女超人支持圈:人類生物本能不喜歡改變,這次,妳不需要孤獨面對。在這裡,我給予妳𝟗𝟎天𝟏𝟐週3個月的支持、每週視訊追蹤進度、共度妳的成長痛😛⁣⁣讓蛻變在90天後持續發酵⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ ⁣^^ 以上只是冰山的一小角….⁣⁣ ⁣⁣ 我很自信地宣布 - GUT90天必修課2.0是妳遇過唯一全方位的女性健康線上課程,從根源「高效」解決妳長久困擾!⁣⁣ ⁣⁣⁣ 如果妳想要加入, 👇🏻留言「𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎」,我會告訴妳如何開始✨⁣
你正在收聽的是69:白沙灣起源瑜伽創辦人Lydia 離開加拿大會計師回台推動冥想靜坐的生命教育Origin Yoga Retreat 全包式釋放壓力體驗與印度啟發的身心靈蛻變

嗨!超人們~ 歡迎來到超能力夢想學校。我是海公主蘿菈,勇敢和療癒是我的教練特質。品牌行銷、 網路創業是我的DNA。在夢想學校,每週的啟發故事和干貨,支持你發揮潛能,解鎖你與生俱來的超能力,創造屬於你的理想生活。讓我們開始學習囉!


  • 這一集的贊助商是我創辦的教練線上指導課程:GUT90 - 90天療癒腸胃運動健康計畫。你如果沒有時間,想要創造高效習慣,在短短3個月達到女性健康一生中必須經歷的蛻變...這五步驟系統化的線上課程就是你正在尋找的魔法解方

  • 我相信每個你都不需要更多的資訊,妳,渴望的是蛻變。妳「沒有時間」嗎?五步驟系統化設計是專屬忙碌上班族、創業家、慢性病鬥士的攻略寶典。我可以同理你全心投入工作事業,但也不想燃燒你最有價值的「長壽健康貨幣」的感受

  • 90天高效率進擊課程讓你擊倒 困擾你的痛點、阻礙!你做的每一個決定,不是幫助你走向幸福健康,就是邁向苦難疾病。索取完整GUT90天線上課程計畫內容,請上官方網站lolalinocean.com 或直接從臉書、IG上私訊我

  • 療癒你的腸胃道,不再讓情緒感受限制你達成目標 

  • Lola開場歡迎超能力夢想學校創業家摯友Lydia - 每個人都是領導者/導師/教練,期待更多的創作者、女創業家、加入我們的行列!用聲音與行動照亮世界~

  • 直接破題告訴大家關於你不為人知的故事:

My Background

  1. Come from a yoga family
  2. Accountant for 8 years 
  3. My time in India with my dad learning Yoga & Ayurveda 
  4. Left corporate world in 2016 and decided to come back to Taiwan to visit family
  5. Went back to visit childhood home, turning abandoned building into a hidden sanctuary
  6. Abandoned building have since attracted other owners to come back and open coffee shops, B&B, and restaurant
  7. My philosophy has always been to share and teach what I practice in my own life, the things that connect me to joy and peace. That is why offering retreats at the Origin Yoga & Wellness is a priority for me.

Why Yoga Retreat?

  1. Yoga retreat is hugely popular outside of Taiwan, there are more than 3000 locations worldwide
  2. When I was living in Canada, I went for retreats all the time when I was stressed. 
  3. I think Taiwan has equal amount of resources for me to create retreats: beautiful nature (mountain to ocean in one day!), warm culture, and amazing food. I wanted to offer a safe place for people from all over the world to come to learn to relax. 
  4. Most memorable one was when I decided to go to India to learn yoga and went on a retreat.
    • Time to think about life, enjoying simplicity
    • Met friends from all over the world: Spain, Ataska, Finland, Korea
    • Getting a fresh new perspective about life, and even getting the promotion I wanted after returning home 

Origin Yoga & Wellness 

  1. 3 years operations
  2. 1000 guests 
  3. 45+ different countries 
  4. Started a kombucha business too 
  5. 2nd place winning at Dragons Chamber fundraising looking to expand 

What is Yoga Retreat

  1. The definition of “retreat” means to “pull back” from everyday life. Giving yourself the gift of time away in quiet reflection, time away to concentrate on those things that you know are so important, time away to connect with your deeper self, is profoundly powerful.
  2. Yoga retreat involves traveling to a place surrounded by natural beauty to relax your mind, body, and soul. Yoga retreat is often all inclusive with daily yoga and meditation practices, healthy food, comfortable accommodation, and mindfulness related excursions such as visiting neighboring organic farm, hot spring, learning form local artist. 
  3. A Day in Retreat:
    • Imagine waking up to the sound of the ocean, coming downstairs for a energetic morning class focusing on sun salutations, breathing, and meditation.
    • Then breakfast is already ready with homemade bread, omelette, and green smoothie. 
    • During free time, you can have time to read a book or go for a swim. 
    • Lunch we prepare simple delicious home cooking sourced from local farms and seasonal produce.
    • After lunch we go on an excursion to a local organic farm to learn about herbs, farmer’s way of life, and have afternoon tea.
    • Evening we have yoga class again, this time much it’s deeper and restorative stretches.
    • Sunset, we go for a nature walk by the beach to watch the sunset. 
    • Dinner again feast on healthy and organic produce made by our private chef
    • After dinner we have evening meditation and journalling time, or go for hot spring. 

Current Challenge 

  1. The coronavirus has affected business as people are scared to go out 
  2. Fear and anxiety is dominating the society right now 
  3. More than ever yoga retreat is needed to help:
    1) Yoga & nature boost immune system
    2) Self care and self reflection time to stay calm
    3) Learn new ways and mindset to overcome future challenges

    Why Go On A Retreat

    1. Boost Your Immune System

  4. Retreats takes place right by the Baishawan Beach in open spaces, away from big city and crowds. Our retreats is also small in size. We spend as much time outdoors with in nature as possible
  5. We eat healthy and simple food to cleanse and reset the body 
  6. You can learn natural remedies to self heal and boost immune system 
  7. Example 1: A lawyer from Taipei  “I cannot thank you enough for the life changing experience. For the first time since I was 10, I have not felt so at peace with myself and meditation has become a daily practice. Eating and living more consciously also improved my health conditions greatly. I feel more natural and in love with my life. I am quite certain this is not a phase either and I am so grateful to have met you and your family. 

2. Relaxation and Inner Peace

  1. Everything at the retreat is planned with your relaxation in mind, you simply have to show up, we take care of everything
  2. We all have peace within, but this purity is polluted  by our lifestyle choices and the modern world. Finding time to relax and reflect is an important to return back to your inner peace. Doing so will give you so much more clarity, inspiration, and happiness. 
  3. You must learn to take care of yourself before you can take care of others.
  4. Example 2: A 37 year old lady coming wishing to have a child, she is still not married and just beginning to date someone. She feels helpless and anxious. 3 months after the retreat she is happily pregnant and expecting. She said coming to the retreat helped her relaxed and reshape her mind, and when she stopped gripping onto the idea of having a child thats when it happened. “Origin Yoga & Wellness is such a special place, I came to visit from Canada and it was perfect. I was really able to let go of all worries and get in touch with myself. I returned home from the retreat with such a full heart and light mind. It was exactly what I needed to move forward with the struggles in my life. I truly believe my experience here had to do with my ability to make my dreams come true and become a mother 3 months after returning from the trip.”

3. Lasting Impact 

  1. Unlike a vacation when you come home tired. When you return home from a retreat, it’s going to have a long lasting and impactful benefit on you compared to an ordinary vacation.
  2. At retreats you may also meet like minded friends. The best way to make changes in your life is to surround yourself with people who feel and think like you. Or better, people already doing what you’d love to be doing but just don’t know where to start. 
  3. Example 3: A Korean girl who visited 3 times. First time for a week retreat alone to find solitude, she finished the retreat so inspired to quit her job and started her own females only travel company. 7 months later she came back with her family for a reunion, and they left with tears and laughter having bonded and feeling more connected than ever. Finally I last saw her over new year's, this time she came with her boyfriend to find inspiration and learn to meditate together. “You have this magical ability to help people open their heart and see the abundance of warmth and love all around us. My family will remember this trip for a very long time, we feel so much closer to each other since the retreat and our relationships have drastically improved.”

Retreat Guest Learning

  1. What I learned from 1000+ retreat guests from supermodels to lawyer to housewife with 3 kids. 

  2.  1) You cannot tell from the outside: Everyone has problems, everyone has secrets, everyone has trauma. 
     2) We are all the same: Everyone shares the same emotions: fear, loneliness, love, happy, and freedom. 
     3) Yoga & Meditation is life changing: everyone who have came to the retreat have in some way of form walk away with new inspirations, new knowledge, and new motivation to continue to improve their life. Many of them continue to practice what they learn from the retreat and permanently changes their life. As they become happier everyone in their life also benefit from their changes, and they continue to crate positive influences. 

  • 現在提供給客戶的服務內容是什麼?

Website: originyogawellness.com/homepage-ch.html
TripAdvisor: tripadvisor.com/Attraction_Review-g13806883-d12063482-Reviews-Origin_Yoga_Wellness-Shimen_New_Taipei.html
Email: originyogawellness@gmail.com
FB & IG: @originyogawellness

超能力夢想學校收聽者,只要在六月底前參加 Origin Yoga & Wellness 瑜伽旅程就能夠有九折優惠,報名請寫信到:originyogawellness@gmail.com 使用編號: ”SUPERPOWER2020”。

  • 給正在「資訊爆炸時代創作/求生存」的超人們3大必備超能力是?

  1. 呼吸回到內心平靜
  2. 每天每個人都可以做對自己最好的選擇
  3. 每個人都有自我療癒的超能力:愛自己、與自己相處、把自己照顧好

Conclusion Call To Action 

  • Yoga is a LIFESTYLE, it is more than the physical workout. 
  • Attending yoga retreat is learning how to apply yoga and mindfulness into everyday life. It is also an act of self love!
  • You can come join retreat even just for one afternoon (Afternoon Ocean Reset Retreat), or 3D2N. 
  • Even if you cannot join me in person, I encourage you to follow our new YouTube channel, simple search Origin Yoga & Wellness. Online, I will be sharing how you can incorporate more “mini-retreat” moments in your own life right where you are now. 
  • Mention “超能力夢想學校“ you can receive 10% off for the next 3 months
    YouTube - Mini Retreat 在3個月內參加瑜伽旅程有9折優惠:午後海洋靜心旅程

🚨最新消息 - 現在開放𝟸𝟶𝟸𝟶女超人自願者 🙋🏻‍♀️⁣⁣

⚡️首先,我祝福妳已經在優雅自信地完結𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟗 -𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐆,也非常興奮迎接𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎鼠年 - 創造年的第一天⚡️⁣⁣


超級無敵興奮發表「𝐆𝐔𝐓𝟗𝟎天療癒腸胃道|平衡荷爾蒙」華人女性必修課2.0。在我正式發佈前,我只開放10位華人女性 ➡️ 加入高效工作生活表現支持圈(妳會享有本次最大折扣)⁣⁣

⁣☑️ GUT90天 會讓妳在90天中得到「所有妳需要的『減脂減重增肌、療癒身心靈、反轉發炎過敏腸道』終極高效習慣養成解方」。去除小腹婆、掰掰情緒壓力、健康自信由內而外閃耀!⁣⁣

我的女客戶用這全方位療癒系統:成功減脂增肌,達成她們的夢想目標 ➡️ 是因為我把多年來的經驗完整成療癒身心靈終極解方。女超人客戶們也分享擁有更棒的消化道、感受身體輕盈自在、心理上更活力自信、工作生活更加高效、習慣養成不再是痛點,更是精通心態致勝/潛意識,體驗生命蛻變在呼吸之間。

我自己更是透過GUT90天成功反轉自體免疫疾病乾燥症與紅斑性狼瘡(蝴蝶病),30的我比20還美麗由內而外 🦋⁣⁣

🙋🏻‍♀️ 這一輪是採先報名,先入選的方式。一旦額滿就不再接受報名。因此,如果妳想要,請立刻私訊我!⚡️⁣⁣


1️. 心態致勝/潛意識 - 戒斷所有壞習慣、設定簡單環境:深入檢視妳目前運動營養睡眠、愛自己模式,放入新的習慣,去除阻礙因素⁣⁣⁣⁣
2️. 願景與目標/預演未來 - 健康、高效工作、生活、家庭目標全得意:妳要知道方向,才能有效率地抵達⁣⁣⁣⁣
3️. 療癒金字塔 - 睡美容覺、釋放壓力、荷爾蒙平衡飲食、聰明功能性訓練:訂定妳的優先順序,享受美食,快樂運動/動起來。妳「為什麼」要做、什麼在妳身上是最佳永續策略、不再忙碌接收網路上各種錯誤訊息⁣⁣⁣⁣
4️. 習慣養成、行為改變科學:每天進步𝟏%、慶祝每一個小勝利,妳學會傾聽身體聲音、連結身心 ; 妳學會最大化時間分配(也就是能量分配)妳會擁有夢寐以求的每日致勝習慣⁣⁣
5️. 女超人支持圈:人類生物本能不喜歡改變,這次,妳不需要孤獨面對。在這裡,我給予妳𝟗𝟎天𝟏𝟐週3個月的支持、每週視訊追蹤進度、共度妳的成長痛😛⁣⁣讓蛻變在90天後持續發酵⁣⁣

⁣^^ 以上只是冰山的一小角….⁣⁣

我很自信地宣布 - GUT90天必修課2.0是妳遇過唯一全方位的女性健康線上課程,從根源「高效」解決妳長久困擾!⁣⁣
如果妳想要加入, 👇🏻留言「𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎」,我會告訴妳如何開始✨⁣

2020年,超能力夢想學校在線上課程GUT90天療癒腸胃運動健康計畫,與你一起活出我們的潛能,開啟我們與生俱來的超能力。本集所有提到的資源都放在 podacst.lolalinocean.com 中,歡迎你盡情取閱與分享!


May the JOY Shine on You. 

Keep Dreaming & Visioning, Super Power YOU!


  • 上學校官網 lolalinocean.com 訂閱電子報,解鎖你的超能力
  • 截圖這集節目,發佈在IG動態,標籤我
  • 加入Podcast播客專屬超人生活圈社團Insiders。你可以在社團中與其他超人交流,留下你希望我在下集探索的超能力。以上三步驟:訂閱、留言、分享,讓我們一起活出潛能!
  • 好啦~你知道該做什麼了!是時候去外面玩耍、創造囉! 下週見~ Love

謝謝妳們收聽「超能力夢想學校」本集節目內容。如果妳還沒在Apple Podcast 播客中留下推薦與回饋,請妳花一分鐘快速散播愛❤️ 幫助我們每週賦予價值,活出生命潛能從療癒腸胃道開啟!


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© 2024 超能力夢想學校 海公主蘿菈教練 GUT90天療癒腸胃道+平衡荷爾蒙「女性高效健康必修教練線上課程」